“Le dernier bar avant la fin du monde ” : The last bar before the end of the world.


          The end of the world has passed but the bar has remained, victim of its success. Originally created to celebrate the end of the world that was supposed to arrive on 21 December 2012, this bar is unlike any other bar, maybe because it was conceived by geeks.

          Upon our arrival, the tone is set : we go into a zombie-proof bunker and a “space to feel the imagination.” Inside you will discover a completely offbeat world where Star Wars and Jules Verne collide. This bar is filled with references to delight geeks and non-geeks.

          At the entrance is a ship from Star Wars, a place to disarm, and a countdown to the end of the world. Then you can choose between several rooms each of which is its own world: Medieval, pirates, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Jules Verne … Therefore the decor throws us into a special world. Its warm and comfortable rooms invite us to play as much as drink.

          Card games, books and board games are available. But something is even more original : video games are embedded in many of the tables.

          This bar goes even further: there is integrated gaming in a urinal in the men’s restroom. As for drinks, we remain in the theme of the bar with original names and cocktails that make you want to taste it: the precious, the Jedi night, Hollister, etc.. Same for food and tapas. This completely unique bar is a good address if you want to switch world and spend a nice evening that changes from usual. The atmosphere is very nice and we feel quickly at ease even if we are not a geek at heart.

          Some flaws though: at 10 euros per drink, the prices are a bit high and the bar is more and more crowded.

Le Dernier Bar Avant La Fin Du Monde
19 Avenue Victoria,
75001 Paris
Métro Châtelet (Sortie Théâtre du Chatelet)

Posted on 11/03/2014, in Happy hour. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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