The famous “Planches” of Paris


          If I say “Les Planches”, you might think of the well-known walk or night club in Deauville, the Norman Cannes, but here I will tell you about the night club of the same name in Paris. Welcoming around a thousand of students every night, it is at the heart of the Parisian students’ nights. The week is punctuated by many different parties like the school party on Wednesdays and La Nouba on Fridays.  

          On Wednesdays, many students gather there for what we call “La School”. The entrance is free for ladies before 1:00 a.m and for everybody with a ticket pass that you can download on the web. Paradoxically, the entrance is free but students seem more like the Parisian golden youth than people who can’t pay their entrance, which is 10€ in regular term. So come early, around midnight, to be sure not to pay the entrance ticket. Inside, you will be surrounded by a lot of students, aged between 18 and 24 years old, who want to forget their schoolwork and abandon themselves on the dance floor until the sun rises up. If you really want to have fun and spend a cheap night, don’t hesitate, go there.

           La Nouba, on Fridays, gather students between 16 and 22 years old in a more selective atmosphere as people come well-dressed. The DJ plays disco and 80’s sounds you can dance on or better dance, the famous couple dance, called “le Rock”.   Stop thinking, join us there!

Demo about “Le Rock”:

Pass ticket available on:

Les Planches
20 rue du colisée
75008 Paris
metro : 9 saint-philippe-du-roule or 1 & 9 Franklin D.Roosevelt

Posted on 11/03/2014, in Clubbing. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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